DS4 - FASCU 234: WEEK 1
Had a lot of fun getting my fingers into this clay for the first time. It's an interesting material that changes consistency wildly! I do like that it sets up in a short period of time to give you more control over form but can be softened up again if needed with a bit of water. I am suspecting that my bag of clay might have been on the shelf a bit too long given the cracking I was experiencing, but overall a good experience. The only part of the demo process I deviated from was to use a rolling pin to thin out the slabs a big before assembly. With thinner walls there was less to carve out in the end.
The second mug was more of a coil-based process (described in all its gory detail in the other discussion topic) with a stucco cover and laborious clean-up:
Both mugs, other views:
On a side note, I spent some time this weekend cobbling together a sculpture stand: