Well, work has been crazy since the Covid WFH thing kicked in mid March. It's been hard to make progress on the project while still working 65-70 hours a week and trying to complete the workload for ANM 770 Portfolio Preparation as well. I had hoped the workload for this final class would be lighter, but alas, it was significant, even if some of it felt like busy work.
In short, progress on the project was sparse until the summer. Coming back to the Odalisque hard surface design motifs completed over the break though, I just couldn't shake the feeling that they just weren't right. I had made a few deco pieces and done some instancing around the forms, but the very fact that the instances were identical and copied around the form really never sat well with me. This line should be MUCH more asymmetrical and organic; the instanced forms were clearly a corner cut and unacceptable.
So i did some more research and found some reference that I felt better represented the more organic and floral decorative feel I wanted for this line. That would mean a complete redo on the line's decoration though. So be it!
Some WIP images as these forms developed in Maya one face at a time. Blocking in the main forms for extrusion:
Extruding and adding additional details using Split Edge:
Smoothed subdivision preview:
Merging and creating the 'bundle' combinations:
More variations of the leaves and spirals:
Variations on a theme:
Creating the petals for the flower elements:
Combining the petals and creating the base leaf forms:
More 'formal' deco variants to complete the overall design: