After completing the posing last week, I exported all my models out to ztools and pulled them into one single file along with the proxy bowl geometry. Added the separate eye geometry into each model and got things set up for the corrective sculpting pass.
For those that have ever experimented with zbrush rigging using zspheres, you probably know that one of the unfortunate limitations is that all subtools in the file are collapsed down to one for binding to the rig. For my multi-character piece, it means I'm guessing in 'thin air' to get the pose as close as possible. I had my maya proxy rough in a window next to zbrush, but posing is still approximate at best. With several characters needing to take the bowl shape into account and no way to have the bowl proxy in the scene to pose against, you can imagine that I've got some serious transpose work ahead of me.
If anyone knows a way around this limitation of one single model in a zsphere rig at a time, please do let me know!
Several of the poses penetrate the proxy bowl geometry and will need some transpose adjustments. The prone figures in particular really need some weight and flesh slumping to connect them with the ground. First though, I wanted to make sure I had a more final idea of where the 'ground' was, so I started working on the hard surface detailing of the bowl model.
Still some work to do on this, but I should be able to finish it up by next week and get going on the corrective anatomy work.
When you use Transpose master to pose a figure with several subtools you can still append another tool to pose against.
In your case it may be that you append the bowl into the scene or another posed character. Just delete the temp geometry before transferring the pose. I think you you can even append another binded figure and then "Append" it again back into the original scene without using the transfer pose in transpose master.
Sounds a bit confusing but worth playing around with.