Not the greatest week... had some technical difficulties with my master file and had to do some cleanup and optimization to get the file size down. No work lost, but the backtracking took some time.
Worked on the second female character -- fixed up some issues on the wings, remeshed the cloth several times (though I'm still not totally happy with the results), cleaned up the face distortion caused by the rig posing and did some hand pose work on both characters.
Built the torch & flame for Justice and posed up her hand. Still so much to do on this piece.
You did an impressive amount of work this semester.
I can see that a lot of it is still just blocked in but it is looking great.
Make sure that the hair has a nice soft sculpted transition at the hairline and not a sharp line.
Continue to work the sculpt evenly and develop all parts at the same time.
On the cloth do your best to try and capture gravity and the moment of the angels flying.
These are just thoughts to keep in mind as you move forward.