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M03 Progress

Made some good progress this week, though not as much as I had hoped. The goal this week was to revamp the previous base meshes.

For the male mesh, great progress, for comparison here is the previous one:

I finished up the mannequin version of the male model and experimented with a number of zremesher versions to get to the final version here:

There are definitely areas where the flow is much better -- around the shoulders and through the gluts. The feet and hands are level 2 subdiv exports from the original and the head a level 1 export. I grafted these onto the new mesh to create (I think) a much cleaner and more balanced model.

Got a good start on revamping the female model as well -- created a mannequin version, dynameshed and zremeshed. Old version for comparison:


Dynameshed, Re-meshed and cleaned up:

Exported mesh for compositing in Maya:

Lots to do still. Next week: Wrap up the female model redux and start the zbrush reproject detail process.

I finished going through the 3D Character Workshop materials this week. Definitely learned a lot about Shane Olson's 'primitive' process and how to approach modeling VERY clean meshes for 3D printing, which is something I am certainly interested in! I HIGHLY recommend this training series - it's a fantastic introduction to creating very clean and smooth stylized characters for games or toy applications.

I also did manage to grab a copy of Scott Eaton's Digital Figure Sculpting course -- I'll be working my way through these videos this week, paying particular attention to the zsphere rigging/posing videos!


I think the neck is a bit long and the torso (ribcage) too wide. What are your reference images for the male?

It's looking better. But, some parts need work. The lats and ribcage along the back is too low and wide. Give her a little more external obliques. Breasts are too high.

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