DS2 - ANM 694: WEEK 6
Assignment 6.1: Clean-up & Test Expression
Great exercise to do a test expression. I really thought I had a pretty solid head model going, but as soon as I started really pushing the features around to get my expression problems appeared that will have be addressed before moving forward. I elected to work from one subdivision up, mainly because he's older and there are more specific and detailed landmarks needed to get his features.
Happiness - crows feet wrinkles, pushed up cheeks, movement from muscle that orbits the eye. Your smile looks good, are you referencing a video of Patrick Stewart looking happy or cheerful, you may catch something that is different than your head model. The likeness still needs work. Smiling mouth can also more pushed more, eyes don't quite look happy and the cheeks should be pushed up further. Feels more subtle than it should. Yes you're going for realism but the expression should read better.
Assignment 6.2: Film Technology Research
Find a video or article about what techniques and/or technologies were used in creating the facial animation in a motion picture of your choice. Please site which film this was from and where you found this information.
This is an article about FACETS, the facial motion capture technology developed by Weta for Avatar:
This is a very interesting (if technical) read, but gives some amazing insights into how complex motion capture technology has become. Advanced algorithms sort through all the marker data to drive the blendshapes created and eliminate capture noise. Musculature and tissue effects are simulated.
Weta allows for animated physics to change the ballistics which will allow activation of the muscle system and flesh system to augment the basic solve. This sits on top and runs additional variables such as mass (gravity effects), wind, acceleration etc, for localised activation, "so you get all the drivers on the soft tissue of the face to make say the cheeks look realistic" explains Fascione.
It was interesting to note as well how 'artist-centric' the development of the FACETS technology and pipeline was, always allowing for that subjective override of the data to create whatever was needed to nail the final performance.
This system is the basis for some of the best facial animation being produced, most recently on films in the Planet of the Apes series.
The Planet of the Apes films including the latest WAR FOR THE PLANE OF THE APES are an amazing accomplishment for facial animation and realistic computer graphics. There's a dedication to the craft of visual effects. Their Senior Visual Effects Supervisor is Joe Letteri who won four Academy Awards for his work at WETA. I worked for Joe while he was at ILM and know that he's a dedicated professional with a strong background in computer graphics both in Shading and Lighting.