DS2 - ANM 694: WEEK 3
Assignment 3.1: Head Model Detailing
Here is mine for the week; added nose, ear and neck detailing.
Good to see your latest progress for your head model. Ears have some very complex shapes and detail. Feel that the mouth and ears can benefit from being more varied in shape and form. Upper and lower eyelids should stand out more this is also true for the upper and lower lips. Corners of lips can have edge lips that are tighter together. Shape of chin looks flat. Noted a triangle between nose bridge. As a in-progress model it's okay to have a ngon or triangle but be sure to split polygons and aim to build out a mesh made of quadrilaterals. Look forward to seeing continued progress with this head model.
Assignment 3.2:
Find a tutorial on the internet on modeling a head that you find useful and post the link to it here.
Head Modeling Tutorial
Some folks from my Directed Study class turned me on to this artist, Sergi Caballer:
He's done a lot of work for some recognizable (stylized) productions, but in researching face topology, I really like the edge flows he's got going. I've been struggling with getting the nose area to flow more naturally into the rings around the mouth area, so I think I will adopt this approach and see how it works for me. This differs a bit from how I would normally model a head in terms of where the edge rings around the mouth branch into the cheek, but it seems like the result here is a smoother transition around the nose and fewer star point junctions in bad places.