The side yard next to the greenhouse and fenced-in soon-to-be-Aviary area is the last part of the yard in need of cleanup / completion. It's been a dumping ground for extra dirt, rumble and debris for a long time:
Four loads of dirt had to be hauled away to the dump to grade this area back:
From the other angle:
Still some work to do on the beds next to the greenhouse retaining wall and cactus garden, but for the most part, the landscaping around the entire yard is structurally in place.
The walkway next to the greenhouse has been re-done a few times, but without proper landscape fabric installation, weeds had overgrown everything. Ripped everything out, cleaned up the black pebbles, installed commercial-grade landscape fabric and put it all back together:
Going to planting more peppers in this area; they seem to like the all-day sun this area gets year-round.