Been looking for a suitable round accent table on craigslist for a while to go with the two wicker chairs we have in the sunroom. Finally settled on this diamond-in-the-rough I got for $40. Normally I'd wait for something cheaper or free to show up, but I'd been looking for weeks and attractive small round tables just weren't presenting themselves in the cheap categories.
Looks like someone had already re-finished it to glorious purple, but originally it looked like this and it can still be purchased at Jerome's for a staggering $263. Granted, it's a solid and sturdy table, but that's a pretty hefty price tag:
Disassembled the table, sanded down the wood surfaces and applied 2 coats of ebony stain:
Definitely liked how some of the wood grain was showing through, but still wound up doing a third coat later using true black stain to darken the shade further and create more contrast with the tone of the metal.
Added some new rubber feet since this table will be sitting on the sunroom's brand new ceramic tile floor:
The metal body got a light sanding and an initial black coat of primer, then a coat of bronze hammered Rustoleum (middle shade;) went back later and decided the more warm brown (right) was better after testing against the wicker furniture in the sunroom:
The bronze color was a better match for the chairs, but the finish just seemed a bit 'painted' next to the stained wood. A coat of special black wax applied over the top then buffed back gave the finish more of an aged bronze look.
The final finish doesn't quite come through in this photo, but it goes well with the chairs and offers a nice contrast to the very ebony black wood surfaces:
Final table in-situ: