The fire pit has been incomplete for years now. I finally got around to buying the stone I wanted to finish it with last November. When I made the first few cuts it became obvious that using the MK 101 wet saw just wasn't going to work. The pieces were just too big and stone too hard -- it's quartz and on the hardness scale with granite. A few months ago I did some research and bought a new diamond blade for my 4 1/2" grinder to try a different approach.
The first step was cutting down all the miscellaneous pieces to roughly cover the base structure but also allowing for a 1" inner lip and 1-2" outer lip overhang:
It's noisy, messy work!
And slow, tedious work...
But eventually it starts to come together:
All the joints cut. Now time to define the inner and outer diameters and do the curve cuts:
Did a preliminary scoring pass to lock in the lines:
Rough radiused cuts completed:
Used Johnny's diamond grinder plate to smooth all the inner and outer radiuses and add a small beveled ease to all the edges:
Final placement and mortaring using 60/30 spec mix and fire clay mixture:
On to finishing out the landscaping and finalizing the terracing down to the car port!